Empower yourself to return to happiness!
So when you don't feel good. When you're sad, angry or disappointed, do you stay in the feeling too long for your liking? How long does it take you to get back to happiness and pleasure?
Today, I want to share my experience with you and give you tools to quickly return to full happiness!

First of all, let's make it very simple and I'm going to tell you that you are the ONLY person responsible for this emotion of happiness. There is only you: your body, your head and your heart that will decide to experience it. So, we come back to the big question: How are you going to do now to change the negative emotion in which you are currently, to find happiness again? And, we want this switch of emotions to happen quickly!
I remind you that this negative emotion comes from something that happened, therefore from the past. It is an event, an action, a decision, which was the source of this emotion that you felt at that moment. It is important to live and feel this emotion when it rises in you, but then you must come back to the present moment.
Of course, we know that being in negativity does not bring much pleasure and well-being. I don't know anyone who likes to be sad, stressed, angry or unhappy. But, beyond this obvious fact and from a very down-to-earth point of view; did you know that living in a state of negative emotion has a negative impact on your mental and physical health?
When you are angry or sad, all your muscles are tense. Your internal organs are made up of muscle fibers among other things, so they will also contract, tighten in reaction to your negative emotion. By being in contraction, for example, your stomach will assimilate food less well, the arteries will circulate blood less well to oxygenate the body, and so on. Your body will also secrete enzymes that can make you sick, that is to say cause heartburn, nausea, headaches, high blood pressure, etc.
So here are the very basics of why it is essential to try to get out of this emotion as quickly as possible.

I'll give you some of my tips that I apply when this happens to me and which allow me, in a maximum of 5 minutes, to get over the emotion and quickly return to something lighter, to return to happiness.
Very simply, I will do what I like, what will allow me to settle down, relax and find my calm and serenity. This will allow me to breathe and therefore return to happiness in the present moment.
How I do it…
I will use my creativity or activate my brain with coloring or puzzles.
I'm going to get active and move and let myself go. With music and I'm going to sing and dance.
I'm going to nourish body and soul and I'm going to move on to the kitchen. Whether it's making a cake or simply cutting vegetables.
In fact, as you see, it's not complicated. You just need to find an activity that will allow you to bring yourself back to the here and now, to the present moment, to occupy yourself with what you like to do and thus make you forget your state.
I'm telling you this again, because I don't want you to forget it! It's your choice to be in a bad emotion, to stay there or to change it!
Today, I want to share my experience with you and give you tools to quickly return to full happiness!

First of all, let's make it very simple and I'm going to tell you that you are the ONLY person responsible for this emotion of happiness. There is only you: your body, your head and your heart that will decide to experience it. So, we come back to the big question: How are you going to do now to change the negative emotion in which you are currently, to find happiness again? And, we want this switch of emotions to happen quickly!
I remind you that this negative emotion comes from something that happened, therefore from the past. It is an event, an action, a decision, which was the source of this emotion that you felt at that moment. It is important to live and feel this emotion when it rises in you, but then you must come back to the present moment.
Why is it so important to come back to the present moment and get out of this negative emotion?
Of course, we know that being in negativity does not bring much pleasure and well-being. I don't know anyone who likes to be sad, stressed, angry or unhappy. But, beyond this obvious fact and from a very down-to-earth point of view; did you know that living in a state of negative emotion has a negative impact on your mental and physical health?
When you are angry or sad, all your muscles are tense. Your internal organs are made up of muscle fibers among other things, so they will also contract, tighten in reaction to your negative emotion. By being in contraction, for example, your stomach will assimilate food less well, the arteries will circulate blood less well to oxygenate the body, and so on. Your body will also secrete enzymes that can make you sick, that is to say cause heartburn, nausea, headaches, high blood pressure, etc.
So here are the very basics of why it is essential to try to get out of this emotion as quickly as possible.

Switch your emotion in 5 minutes with my tips!
I'll give you some of my tips that I apply when this happens to me and which allow me, in a maximum of 5 minutes, to get over the emotion and quickly return to something lighter, to return to happiness.
Very simply, I will do what I like, what will allow me to settle down, relax and find my calm and serenity. This will allow me to breathe and therefore return to happiness in the present moment.
How I do it…
I will use my creativity or activate my brain with coloring or puzzles.
I'm going to get active and move and let myself go. With music and I'm going to sing and dance.
I'm going to nourish body and soul and I'm going to move on to the kitchen. Whether it's making a cake or simply cutting vegetables.
In fact, as you see, it's not complicated. You just need to find an activity that will allow you to bring yourself back to the here and now, to the present moment, to occupy yourself with what you like to do and thus make you forget your state.
I'm telling you this again, because I don't want you to forget it! It's your choice to be in a bad emotion, to stay there or to change it!